The Sliding Scale Of Grief

T-Ann Pierce
9 min readMar 3, 2020

How To Grieve Well In A World That Wants You To Move On

Photo Creds: Lisa Kathan Creative

Grief can feel like a tidal pull, like an infinitesimally thin elastic sphere forcing and distorting our reality over and over again without us ever being in control. It can feel like being crushed and trapped in the bowels of a collapsed building, choking for air through the dust and weight. Grief can feel desperately lonely as if in one deafening crack, we calved from the glacier that has given us strength and security for a millennium.

You cannot live without experiencing grief in thousands of ways.

There are small griefs like the disappointment of your spouse letting you down. There are large griefs like the deep and unending hole of losing someone you love.

No one is immune and no one can pull a get-out-of-grief-free card. If you are planning on living a full life, you will at some point, find yourself ensnared in the barbs of grief.

While no one has all the answers around grief, we do know that no two people experience grief in the same way. You do your grief, I’ll do mine.

The commonality among us is that grief terrifies us all.

We may look fine from the outside, but we are all walking around terrified of losing the ones we love, terrified of losing our jobs. We are in agony over the…



T-Ann Pierce

Cognitive Behavior Practitioner, Life Coach & storyteller. Linking arms with women who are ready to thrive despite circumstances and cluster f*cks.